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[Tatum] really made a huge difference in the whole process for me, and I'd recommend her in a heartbeat to anyone.


I worked with Tatum in prepping for the SAT as well as college admissions. For both of these Tatum was there, every step of the way, constantly offering feedback and help. Not only did she help me improve my SAT score by over 100 points, she also helped me improve my college admissions essays by offering tons of advice throughout the process. Without Tatum, I would not have been able to write as thoughtful and meaningful essays as I did or have improved on the SAT as much as I did. She really made a huge difference in the whole process for me, and I'd recommend her in a heartbeat to anyone.

-Bo V.K.

Half Moon Bay High School Graduate Class of 2021

UCSC Class of 2026



Tatum was my light in the pitch​ black that is the college application process and I don’t know where I would be without her today.


Going into the college application process, I felt like I was drowning in options and opportunities that I didn’t know how to choose between. Tatum provided me with constant support and endless knowledge as we narrowed down my list of schools into something I could look at and not feel overwhelmed about. She helped me find personal and unique topics to base my essays on, which aided me throughout the process as I felt like I could be myself in the limit of 500 words or less. Tatum pushed me out of my old ways of procrastination by assigning due dates, but also being kind and flexible when I felt like I needed an extension to get a draft to it’s best version. As a writer, I tend to put everything out there on the page and I was constantly going over the word limit for the many essays I was writing. Tatum opened my eyes to many new techniques for my writing which I continue to use as I write for school or on my own. Tatum was my light in the pitch black that is the college application process and I don’t know where I would be without her today.

-Mayah J.

Half Moon Bay High School Graduate Class of 2022

University of Vermont Class of 2026



I am thrilled to have gained acceptance to one of my reach schools so far! As a repeat customer, it is needless to say that I would recommend Tatum!


I have had the pleasure of working with Tatum both as a undergraduate applicant as well as most recently a grad school applicant (MBA). Tatum did an awesome job of providing constructive feedback on my essays. She pushed met to dig deeper to write meaningful admissions essays. Tatum was helpful from the start to the conclusion of the application journey and always made herself available for any questions that came up. I am thrilled to have gained acceptance to one of my reach schools so far! As a repeat customer, it is needless to say that I would highly recommend Tatum!

-Lydia H.

Mercy High School, Class of 2016 

UC Berkeley Class of 2020 

University of Chicago Booth School of Business Class of 2024



Working with Tatum was an absolute wonderful experience, she helped me every step of the way and answered any questions I had.


When applying to universities, I had no clue what to do or how to do it, it was even a bit nerve wrecking! But working with Tatum was an absolute wonderful experience, she helped me every step of the way and answered any questions I had. The advice she gave me really helped me feel confident with my writing skills. When it came down to submitting my applications she was right there with me making me feel more at ease, and was even nice enough to help me with questions I had after applying. Tatum's help is a huge part of my academic journey.

-Alexandra C.

Ohlone Community College Graduate Class of 2021

UC Berkeley Student Class of 2023



Even with Covid-19 being a wacky year, I got into all my target schools and over 50% of my reaches. I can confidently say this number would have been much lower without Tatum’s help. Tatum really knows the college application process inside and out.


Coming into the college process I was lost. I had no idea where to start- I didn’t even know where I wanted to apply. Tatum guided me through the entire process, starting with a list of colleges to apply to. Initially I thought I only wanted to apply to UCs-I wanted to stay close to home. Through a sorting process, Tatum allowed me to see what I really wanted in a school- and now I am living in Boston and absolutely loving it. Tatum’s deadlines to complete essays alleviated my stress that I was going to fall behind, and her edits made my writing truly shine. Even with Covid-19 being a wacky year, I got into all my target schools and over 50% of my reaches. I can confidently say this number would have been much lower without Tatum’s help. Tatum really knows the college application process inside and out.

-Iris T.

Half Moon Bay High School Graduate Class of 2021

Northeastern University Student Class of 2025



I couldn't have done it without [Tatum].


The college application process is a jumbled mess of word limits, loaded questions, and fickle acceptance committees. Having someone to help boil down the intentions behind the questions being asked is invaluable.Stragithforward goals and deadlines also help the many college essays blend into my normal school workload instead of being a thorn in my side. I couldn't have done it without [Tatum].

-Remy J.

Junipero Serra High School Graduate Class of 2021

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Student Class of 2025



Not only did [Tatum] help me raise my test scores significantly, but she also helped me get into my dream university.


I had Tatum as my ACT/SAT tutor as well as my college counselor and she was an extremely helpful resource and mentor throughout my entire college process. Not only did she help me raise my test scores significantly, but she also helped me get into my dream university. Tatum helped me figure out what college were right for me, write successful essays, and made sure I had everything ready before important deadlines. If you're super unorganized like me or feel overwhelmed with the college process I would definitely recommend Tutor Time Now and College Time Now.

-Danae H.

Half Moon Bay High School Graduate Class of 2018

UCSB Student Class of 2022



I don’t think I could have done this without Tatum, and I would highly recommend that any student let Tatum be their guide.


The thought of picking out colleges to apply to, writing essays, filling out applications, and finally choosing where you want to spend the next four years of your life can be a bit overwhelming— especially if you don’t have any guidance. I didn’t even know where to start in this process until Tatum pointed me in the right direction. She helped me look into many different colleges until I had a list of schools to apply to that all excited me. Each college was different and unique, but I loved all of them, which really motivated me throughout this whole process. I tend to procrastinate as much as possible, so the thought of writing fifty essays for twenty colleges was a little overwhelming to say the least. I had a huge task ahead of me, but I wasn’t ready to manage my time on my own to ensure that I wrote the best essays I could. Tatum helped me so much by giving me more time. She had due dates for each draft of each essay. Her system was very organized, and I’m very grateful I got to utilize it. While my friends were struggling to write and complete multiple essays in one day, I had the time to look over and perfect each one of mine. The feedback that Tatum gave me was extremely helpful and insightful. She carefully read each one of my drafts and made sure that all of my essays were at their highest potential. The university that I’m attending this fall is the perfect fit for me. I don’t think I could have done this without Tatum, and I would highly recommend that any student let Tatum be their guide in all of this. Applying for college can be scary, but it can also be enjoyable and exciting with the correct guidance and counseling.

-Leah K.

Half Moon Bay High School Graduate Class of 2019

UC Davis Student Class of 2023



I ended up being accepted by all graduate school programs to which I applied, and I absolutely attribute a portion of this to Tatum’s assistance with my essays.


About 6 months ago, I decided to begin applying to graduate school. I had already taken the GRE and done well (thanks to "Tutor Time Now"), but considering I had been a working professional in tech for the previous 5 years, my essay writing skills needed fine-tuning. Since Tatum had helped me so much with studying for the GRE, I was excited to learn that “College Time Now” could help me with my personal statements for my various grad school applications. For the two application essays Tatum helped me with, she provided timely, honest, detailed and salient feedback. The general process went as follows: I would write the initial draft of each essay and e-mail it to Tatum. Then, within a specified amount of time, she would e-mail my word document back to me with detailed feedback, which I would then take into account while writing my next draft. We proceeded with this helpful back and forth until both she and I felt that my essay was ready. I always felt comfortable reaching out to Tatum with any questions about the feedback, and I also appreciated that while her feedback was honest (and plentiful), it didn’t interfere with the integrity of my writing style and voice. I ended up being accepted by all graduate school programs to which I applied, and I absolutely attribute a portion of this to Tatum’s assistance with my essays. Because of this, I would absolutely recommend College Time Now for anyone who is looking for help with grad school applications or any specific component within them.”

-Amelia S.

San Francisco State University Grad School Class of 2023



I never felt I was being pushed to choose somewhere specific, but her input was better than any counselor or my parents.


Tatum Hutton was hired to assist me with my college admission process. Having been my tutor for six years, no one knew me better than Tatum. Preparing for college was so intimidating, I am forever grateful to Tatum’s experience and patience as I proceeded with all the paperwork required applying for college.

Tatum’s plan did not simply focus on the application itself. She studied my personality and learning style to find universities better suited for my learning disabilities.  She helped me look at colleges where I would succeed rather than struggle, and where the education system would work well with my accommodations, grades, and SAT scores.  

Throughout the application process, Tatum helped me perfect my essays to meet college requirements. She always had me do the work, but I felt much more confidant knowing she double-checked everything. When I had narrowed down my choices, Tatum and I evaluated each university to suit my individual needs. I never felt I was being pushed to choose somewhere specific, but her input was better than any counselor or my parents. When I made my decision, Tatum was there to celebrate and her guidance even helped to prepare me as a freshman college student.

I am now close to finishing my freshman year at a state university, and I could not be happier with my selection. My parents often tell me how much I have grown this past year, and I owe so much of that to Tatum and her assistance in the college application process. I know I also owe much of my success to Tatum and her expertise. I highly recommend hiring Tatum to help with this process. I honestly would not be where I am now without her.


Half Moon Bay High School Graduate Class of 2017

Sonoma State University Graduate Class of 2021


She was a huge help for creating essay topics and perfected grammar that I am extremely proud of today.

Tatum had helped me tremendously with the improvement of my college essays. Working with her previously to increase my SAT score helped form a close relationship where she knew exactly what my academic goals were when applying to college. I had sent her a large load of all my essay drafts and she had spent an incredible amount of time giving feedback. Most importantly, she helped point out large issues that I could not see. On top of this, she gave me insightful information towards what colleges look for and how she could best support me in showcasing this. She was a huge help for creating essay topics and perfected grammar that I am extremely proud of today.

- Rachel
Summit Shasta High School Graduate Class of 2018



I couldn’t help but be amazed because I knew I was not Tatum’s only student but the amount of attention she gave my applications made it seem like I was her only student.


Tatum and College Time Now was an excellent service that made the monstrous challenge of applying to college manageable. The situation I found myself in left me with no idea what I wanted for a school. Because of this I applied to a huge range of different schools. By February I had applied to 26 different schools, written as many if not more essays, and filled out endless student profiles in applications. This task was something I would not have been able to accomplish without the help of Tatum and her incredible organizational efforts and work ethic. Tatum proofread and gave advice for almost every essay with speed and thoroughness. I couldn’t help but be amazed because I knew I was not Tatum’s only student but the amount of attention she gave my applications made it seem like I was her only student. Tatum also made sure to prepare me for multiple college interviews with alumni.

- Andrew O.
Half Moon Bay High School Graduate Class of 2017



Tatum helped me incredibly with the college process, from where to apply to my personal statement to understanding financial aid.


Second semester junior year was a blur, with the constant practicing for hours on SAT work; I began to lose balance as AP tests and finals came around, as well as constantly being hit with the question, “Where are you thinking of going to college?” or “Where are you going to apply?” about a thousand times. Again stress began to conquer, but Tatum to the rescue! She sat down with me, and took the time to understand my needs for college. Tatum helped me incredibly with the college process, from where to apply to my personal statement to understanding financial aid. I was able to finish my junior second semester with a 4.5 GPA and passing scores on all of my AP Exams. I am now in my last quarter of Senior year, and Tatum is still checking in with me, she was there to support me at my worst to the day I submitted my intent to register at UC Irvine! Her faith will always follow me because without her I would not have gotten to where I am now. I am so thankful for her support, patience, and passion in watching others succeed; I hope that she continues to spread her success, motivation and inspiration to others as she did to me.

- Lena N.
Half Moon Bay High School Graduate Class of 2015
UC Irvine Graduate Class of 2019



Tatum has always been very helpful and very accommodating to making sure I always got the help I needed.


I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Tatum for almost seven years now. I found her ad in the local newspaper and wanting help with my high school math and SAT scores I decided to give her a call. I am so please to see how far her company has grown and I am not at all surprised. From loaning books out to working with me over Skype while I was at Purdue, Tatum has always been very helpful and very accommodating to making sure I always got the help I needed. Now with my time at Purdue almost over, Tatum is still helping me with my next endeavor of law school making sure my applications are perfect. Tatum is very knowledgeable in all subjects, and she is very good at changing the way she teaches you in order to fit your learning style. I am very grateful for Tatum helping with academic career and I believe she is can really make a difference in your academic standing.

- Anonymous

Notre Dame High School Graduate Class of 2011

Purdue University Graduate 2015

Golden Gate University Law School 2018


Tatum is extremely thorough and thoughtful without taking the student’s voice away.


Since no one in my family had gone through the college application process in many years, I was very nervous as my time approached. I did not know where to start and was lost in regards to my personal statement. Tatum was my SAT tutor at the time and suggested that I look into her college consultation package. Immediately, Tatum gave me a huge binder with an in-depth look into a plethora of universities. Picking which colleges to apply to was ultimately my decision. Although, I might alter some of those choices in retrospect, Tatum gave me the tools to research each school and was available to answer any questions. Personally, I benefitted mostly from the second portion of the process: Tatum’s editing. Tatum guided me through the process and helped me to write some incredible essays. Tatum is extremely thorough and thoughtful without taking the student’s voice away. Personally, the interview training was more beneficial in helping me to remember various facts and tidbits of information rather than the basic interview etiquette. Overall, Tatum helped me to become a better writer and was constantly available if I had questions regarding nearly anything.

- Eman A.
Mercy High School Graduate Class of 2014
UC Davis Graduate Class of 2018

UC Law School (formerly Hastings) 2021 



I am completely confident in the finished product and know that without Tatum's help I wouldn't have reached my goal or be nearly as satisfied with my work. I am now at one of the best law schools in the country...


I chose Tatum to help me write my personal statements and resume for my law school applications. I attempted to write my personal statement on my own and found that I was hitting a writer's block and needed serious guidance. After just a few meetings, we nailed a perfect topic and she helped me focus on what was important to show through my writing. I am completely confident in the finished product and know that without Tatum's help I wouldn't have reached my goal or be nearly as satisfied with my work. I am now at one of the best law schools in the country for my specific area of interest and I am thriving. If you seek help writing any school application personal statements I strongly recommend Tatum.

- Kate B.
St. Louis University School of Law Class of 2014



Tatum’s college advising process is one hundred percent personalized and quite intensive.


Often times, applying to college can be a frightening and tedious process that consumes every hour of every day and causes untold amounts of stress. However, with Tatum, nearly all of that stress and anxiety melts away. Tatum’s college advising process is one hundred percent personalized and quite intensive. From the beginning, she locates colleges suited to your desires and then helps you through every step of the process with constant advice, reminders, and encouragement. During this process you never feel alone or lost because Tatum is there, guiding, nearly twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. This may seem like an exaggeration, but I have honestly never met someone who has been so dedicated to my success. Tatum answers texts and last minute requests at nearly anytime of day and night, truly putting her heart into all of the work she does with you. Beyond this, she is very personable and an absolute joy to work with. If you are looking for someone to help you with your college application process, you need not look any farther than Tatum.

- Aaron C.
Hillsdale High School Graduate Class of 2013
University of Michigan Graduate Class of 2017



It was truly a blessing to have the opportunity to work with her during the hectic college application season. I will always be thankful for what she has done for me and the life lessons learned along the way.


It is difficult to put what Tatum has done for me into words. I would not be where I am today without her advice and constant support. To put Tatum’s astronomical help into more relatable terms, her work is like the seams on a quality pair of jeans. Every stitch is essential just as every edit is indispensable to the final college essay or supplement. Tatum genuinely takes the time to know her students. She knew my every strength and weakness and helped me accentuate my assets. Throughout all the college applications, Tatum has always encouraged me and prodded me onwards after hitting dry spells in creativity or dead ends in my essays. There was one situation where Tatum’s help stood out the most. She went beyond the call of duty. On New Year’s Eve, I had about five deadlines coming up, and none of the applications were completed. Tatum had a getaway planned, but instead, worked tirelessly with me all day. Tatum is incredibly dedicated and committed to her students. It was truly a blessing to have the opportunity to work with her during the hectic college application season. I will always be thankful for what she has done for me and the life lessons learned along the way.

- Gabrielle C.
Amador Valley High School Graduate Class of 2013
Pepperdine University Graduate Class of 2017



Thanks to Tatum I’m heading of to UC Davis this fall and can’t wait. THANK YOU TATUM!!!!

Tatum is a lifesaver, she helped me survive my junior and senior years of high school, academically and emotionally. I started out with Tatum over the summer prepping for the ACT; any question I was stuck on Tatum found a way to explain it to me. I took the ACT twice and then switched to the SAT in the beginning of my senior year. I missed the December SAT test due to a family emergency and Tatum found a solution. She advised me to call my schools to ask them if it would be possible to send in scores from the upcoming January SAT considering my situation, all of my schools had the same response…“Yes!” If Tatum hadn’t advised me to do so I wouldn’t have done it myself. She came up with the idea and left it to me to decide what to do, she made it clear that regardless of my decision she would support me in any way she could. I know I can always count on her to give me honest feedback in any scenario. Every session with Tatum was a blast, regardless of what we were studying she always knew how to relate the subject to me and make me laugh. In all honesty, there was never a dull moment in one of our sessions. Between her drawings, explanations, and stories I always took away something valuable from those sessions. Thanks to Tatum I’m heading of to UC Davis this fall and can’t wait. THANK YOU TATUM!!!!

- Courtney A.
Half Moon Bay High School Graduate Class of 2013
UC Davis Graduate Class of 2017



Tatum obviously genuinely cares about the students she works with, and is always proud and excited to hear about our scores and college decisions.


I have always been a motivated and successful student, but when SAT season rolled around, I was disappointed with my scores. I was frustrated by this test that I did not know how to prepare for, but as soon as I started working with Tatum, I felt much better. She met with me once a week, going over things that were especially difficult for me and giving me helpful tips. She also gave me assignments to do on my own, from reading certain strategy/review books to doing practice problems and tests. Knowing that I have a very busy schedule, she was always respectful of my time. She selected assignments specifically targeted to help strengthen my weaknesses. I never felt like I was wasting time or doing busy work with Tatum. In the end, our hard work paid off, as my final SAT score was 280 points higher than my first practice test score. A few months later, I turned to Tatum to help me with my college application process. She helped guide me through it all, from choosing which colleges to apply to, to writing my essays and filling out my applications, to preparing for college interviews. We met several times through the process, but communicated mostly over email, sending drafts of my work back and forth, bouncing ideas off of each other. She offered her experience-backed advice, but also made it clear that all final decisions were in my hands. In the end, I was very satisfied with the applications I submitted and the schools to which I was accepted. I finally decided on UCLA, and am excited to start there next fall. Not only is Tatum helpful and dedicated to her work, but she is a very fun and bubbly character, making meeting with her after a long day of school, sports, and homework as painless as possible. Tatum obviously genuinely cares about the students she works with, and is always proud and excited to hear about our scores and college decisions.

- Erin B.
Half Moon Bay High School Graduate Class of 2013
UCLA Graduate Class of 2017



Tatum not only helped me with school but also gave me the best life lessons.


Tatum is an amazing tutor and person. She not only helped me with SAT prep but also with tips on how to write an essay and my math homework. I could never have scored so well on the SAT if it wasn't for her. I still use her tips to this day. Tatum not only helped me with school but also gave me the best life lessons. I could not have asked for a better tutor, she is truly a gem.

- Lauren G.
Notre Dame High School Graduate Class of 2013



Her knowledge in the admission and application process is impressive...Tatum is the medical school consultant to have.


Everything from writing a personal statement, secondary applications and interview preparation, Tatum prepares you for medical school and beyond. Her knowledge in the admission and application process is impressive and she is so supportive in every step of the way that it will feel like she is a part of your family. This testimony doesn’t even begin to detail the amount hard work, dedication and passion she has while working with you one-on-one to ensure that you have the best chances of getting into medical school. From now to wherever my future may be, I will forever remain grateful to all that she has provided me.

- Chris C.
UC Santa Cruz Graduate Class of 2012



Choose Tatum, and I assure you that you will get acceptances even from colleges you have doubts about.


Tatum was great in helping me write essays for colleges. We had less than one month to write my personal essay before submitting it for my early action deadline. Even though there was a time crunch, Tatum was very gracious in that she extended her help beyond the times we met. She was willing to email back and forth with me to edit my essay, and as the deadline approached, she even met with me biweekly. We made it on time for the deadline, and I sincerely believe that my personal statement is the loveliest, most artistic, yet honest, piece of writing I have ever composed. When it came time for college interviews, Tatum gave me lifelong skills that I know I will use for any interview in the future. We practiced everything, from the firm handshake to realistic questions about why I want to attend that specific college. I wholeheartedly and confidently recommend Tatum Hutton as a college consultant who exceeds the requirements and helps you do the best job. She will be honest in everything, especially your goals, and she will definitely make you laugh along the way. Choose Tatum, and I assure you that you will get acceptances even from colleges you have doubts about. I am currently a student at UCLA, and I would never have imagined myself here.

- Andrea H.
Mercy High School Graduate Class of 2010
UCLA Graduate Class of 2013
University of Queensland Medical School Class of  2017



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College Time Now Tatum Hutton
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College Advising
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